Problems at work come in lots of different forms. Some might not seem much initially, but build up if repeated. Like a colleague making barbed comments, or jokes you don’t enjoy. Others can hinder your career, or cause you to quit. You might be overlooked for a promotion because you’re about to have a baby, or lose your job because you don’t ‘fit in’. Instructing a firm of solicitors can be expensive. Talking to us before you take action can give you the confidence and know-how to fight your corner.
Start by talking to your line manager. If this doesn’t work, or your problem is too serious to be dealt with informally, you can raise a grievance. You don’t have to raise a grievance before you make an employment tribunal claim, but it might harm your case if you don’t. For example, you may be awarded less money if your claim is successful.
If you still want to go to a tribunal, you’ll need to go through early conciliation with Acas. They’re independent and impartial, which means they’re not on anyone’s side. They’ll start by talking to you and your employer to see if your dispute can be resolved amicably. If you reach an agreement you’ll get a legally binding settlement form that confirms what you’ve agreed. If you don’t, you’ll get a certificate that enables you to then go to an employment tribunal.
If you’ve got a problem at work our legal experts are on hand to help. We’ll explain your rights and what you can do. It’s important to act quickly and take the right action at the right time. If you don’t, it might undermine your case. We’ll guide you through the process and timelines you need to follow. And we can help you come up with a strategy to make it more likely to get the outcome you want from your employer.