Settlement agreement service
  • We will read your settlement agreement & check you understand it and what it means
  • Talk to you about the options you might have so that you can make an informed decision
  • Provide necessary certificate to confirm you’ve taken legal advice
Upload documents
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Upload your documents

To securely share your documents with our specialist employment advisers, please complete the short form below.

You'll need to provide:

  • Your settlement agreement
  • Your employment contract (if available)

Please only upload documents that are not password protected. 


To upload your documents

  • Select 'browse files' or drag and drop to add the documents you need to share
  • Click 'upload'. 

Once the document(s) have been successfully uploaded, we will aim to respond to you within 1 working day. Our working hours are Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 6pm & Saturdays 9am to 1pm, excluding Bank Holidays.

Still have a question? Call to speak to an adviser
02921 682 899