We expect a new-build home to be pristine. But sadly that’s not always the case. If you’ve turned the key to find a badly fitted cupboard, damaged flooring, peeling paint, a fraying carpet or water leaking through windows, you might get straight on the phone to the developers. But if they don’t sort things out, or the faults develop over time, what are your options?
Most new-build homes have a 10-year warranty for building problems plus a developer’s warranty – usually for two years – for fixtures and fittings. The warranties should give you clear guidance on what’s covered and how to claim. Home builders also have to follow the Consumer Code for their industry. Under the Code, builders have to have a system for dealing with complaints. If you’re not happy with how they handle your complaint, you can ask to be referred to an independent dispute resolution service.
Our team of legal experts are well-versed on problems with new builds. We can advise you on your rights under your new-build warranties and help you work out who is liable for putting right any defects. We can also talk you through the steps you’ll need to take to get those defects fixed if your developers aren’t cooperating. We’ll: